What's the difference between ice cream with eggs and frozen Custard

What's the difference between ice cream with eggs and frozen Custard

What's the difference between ice cream with eggs and frozen Custard

You are going to be very disappointed with what you learn today, but you are going to learn the truth. 

You have been eating frozen Custard the whole time! by law 

 minimum egg yolk solids content of 1.4 percent and 1.12 percent when fruits, nuts, and other such ingredients are used for flavoring.

In our recent article on how ice cream is made ( 2 min read) 

We gave the example of the translation of 80ml water (liquid) and 20ml ice cubes ( solids), piggybacking from that article, and the recent information we learned above. 

When we add in the egg yolk, the recipe would be 78.6 ml water (fun fact egg yolk has 50% water), 1.4ml egg yolk, and 20ml ice cube ( solids) 

Technical frozen Custard, keep in mind we are simplifying it by explaining it in volumetric, not by weight. It's easy to visualize. That's why 

If you look at the majority of ice cream in the store, they contain eggs in it, which would classify as frozen Custard.

The next question I am sure you are asking is, "Why Do We Call Ice Cream When It's Frozen Custard!?!?! 
Thanks to marketing, its hard to convince the public 

If you want deeper information on the subject of frozen Custard? FDA article goes more in-depth 

if you are curious about the process how majority of ice cream companies process how ice cream is delivered from scratch to finish 

Posted by
Nicolas Ganea
July 15, 2022

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