Currently I am reading why start ups fail
I already had the mindset of what makes a start fail when the author put the list to together what his definitions are it was clear we agree
They were:
Doesnt make profit
The investors didn't get there investment back
It doesnt matter what the goals are of the entrepreneur or Entrepreneurs
Why Am I saying this? Well there section it mentioned key factors of if a entrepreneur that fails will continue to fail but a entrepreneur that had a successful business will continue to make successful businesses
Base on research from HBS Paul Gompers.”, Josh learner and David Shasteen
30% of Serial entrepreneurs succeeded in Further ventures
Compared to 22% serial entrepreneurs failed there first venture
And 21% first time founders that succeeded
Better skills, superior resources, gender, race, money tends to flow of track record of success
Which leads to a Conversation with my brother yesterday I had on Facetime
He told the story his daughter said to him about the experience that she had ice cream for the first time after finding out it was his father in law who gave his daughter a tea spoon of ice cream and my brother disagreed on this.
I was intrigued for a couple reasons whats the reason behind this? Because there 3 things that were crossing my mind that lead to this Decision
Is it because of market trend? Is it because my brother in law of his love for lollies or it is because growing up my mother didnt allow us to have sweets as much?
My brother soon corrected me saying mum allowed you and my little brother to have soda and I said no it was only special occasions which lead me to not care for soda as a result I love orange juice because that was something our mum always had in the house
With further questioning it got me think about what I used to do as a kid my mother was a single mother that didnt have time to make box lunches my brothers and I were given money to get lunches
Being curious I wanted to see what lunches my friends were eating so I would ask can I have some? All would said no it was later learning that when I would get lollies from the canteen thats when my friends would ask can I have some? That lead me to trading with them
My friends would go crazy the ones that had parents oh yeah my mum doesn't allow us to have jam or soda ( soft drinks) blah blah
Leading to the consequence as they got older the problem continued
I'm sure your wonder where is this leading?!!?!
Well when I moved to America I noticed that ketchup was overly sweet and made me never eat again same with desserts
If you truly want to have your kids not have ice cream or sweets what my soon to be expecting wife ( Feb 2022) plans to do since we are both chefs
Is make the ice creams and desserts making sure when they have other products they will have the same experience as I did Oh my god this too sweet! Turning then long term not interested in having sweets
Thats how you control it if you never give them the standards then soon as they have the products you dont want them to have. Thoses standards will be made and through there perspective thats how your child will think how its suppose to taste
Chefs will tell you this happens all the time with. People… it goes something like this: thats not how thats suppose to taste! my mum, dad, grandmother etc made it this way
if you truly want to control the sweets your child eats create the standards of what you want it to taste like
Eventually the cause and effect it make companies change the standards if you get enough momentum of people that affects the bottom line
Just like entrepreneurs that continue to fail don’t reflect long enough that got them here